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Norway Grants Introduce Environmental Protection Innovations in Prague: Discover 17 Pioneering Projects at the Upcoming Conference
Incubation of eggs of endangered fish species, regional seed mixes, removal of pharmaceutical residues from wastewater or protection against invasive crayfish species in Estonia. The State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic will present seventeen of its projects, implemented with the support of the Norway Grants, at a two-day expert conference. Experts from Norway, Poland and Greece will come to Prague's Spojka Events to learn about Czech environmental protection projects.
Norway Grants programme presents successful projects
Four years have passed since the first call supported by the Environment, Ecosystems and Climate Change Programme was launched. During this period, the State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic, in cooperation with the Norway Grants, supported more than CZK 800 million for over 165 successful projects and initiatives.    
Norway grants bring 190 million Czech crowns for adaptation measures and air quality protection measures
The State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic is launching a new call "Stavanger" supported by the Programme Norway Grants - Environment, Ecosystems and Climate Change. The call offers applicants support for the implementation of green and blue measures that lead to the improvement of air quality and adaptation to climate change at the local level. Thematically, the call follows on from two older calls of the Norway Grants, which supported the creation of adaptation strategies and air monitoring in the regions. Applications can be submitted from November 4, 2022, until the beginning of ne...
Water without toxic pharmaceutical residues? Norway Grants offer laboratories millions for instruments for water analysis
Up to 19.5 million Czech crowns can be obtained by successful applicants for the purchase of laboratory equipment from the new call "Call-3A Ålesund", which is launched by the State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic from the Norway Grants Programme - Environment, Ecosystems and Climate Change. The call aims to expand the equipment and analytical capabilities of laboratories for monitoring water pollution from pharmaceutical residues in line with the relevant European directives.
Norway Grants: Rago call projects will address invasive species and habitats in lignite quarries
Norway Grants will newly support fourteen projects focusing on innovations in the protection of biodiversity and ecosystems. Successful applicants from the two-round call Rago will receive over 162 million Czech crowns. The call, which aimed to support the application of the outputs of scientific research projects to practical environmental protection or to support the transfer of examples of best practice from abroad, draws funds from Norway Grants ENVIRONMENT, ECOSYSTEM AND CLIMATE CHANGE programme 2014-2021.
Norway Grants: Implementation can begin, six innovative projects will receive 77 million Czech crowns from the Trondheim call.
In April last year, the State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic began receiving project proposals for the two-round call "Trondheim." The amount of 93.6 million Czech crowns, allocated from the Environment, Ecosystems and Climate Change Programme, was intended for the implementation of projects aimed at reducing the pollution of surface waters by pharmaceutical residues.
The second round of the call for the removal of pharmaceutical contamination is open, 12 applicants are applying for a total allocation of 94 million Czech crowns
From April to June this year, it was possible to submit project proposals for the "Trondheim" call, which is focused on the implementation of pilot measures to remove surface water pollution in the form of drug residues. Applicants whose project proposals have received a positive opinion from the expert committee in the first round of the Call can send their applications for financial support in the second round of the Call. Almost 94 million Czech crowns are prepared for them from Norway Grants.
The second round of the call for innovation in ecosystem and biodiversity protection is open, 19 applicants are applying for a total allocation of 150 million Czech crowns
From April to June this year it was possible to submit project proposals for the "Rago" call, which focuses on the support of innovative practices, the implementation of the results of research projects, and the transfer of examples of good practice from abroad. Applicants whose project proposals have received a positive opinion from the expert committee in the first round of the Call can send their applications for financial support in the second round. 19 project proposals were recommended, which in the second round can receive support from 5.2 to 26 million Czech crowns for the implementa...
The Norwegian call will help find a way to rid the river of medicament and hormone residues
Even though our wastewater treatment is at an advanced level, we are not always able to get rid of all impurities. Research has shown that residues of antibiotics, hormones, and other commonly used substances are found in surface waters, but these can be very dangerous for aquatic organisms and ecosystems. In the new grant call "Trondheim" from Norway Grants, the State Environmental Fund has prepared 94 million crowns for innovative measures, the result of which will be new technologies for clean surface waters without toxic medicaments residues.
Another 150 million is brought to the Czech Republic by Norway Grants, promote eco-innovation
Innovative procedures in environmental protection or the application of scientific research projects in practice will be supported by a new two-stage grant call "Rago" financed by Norway Grants. It is open in the Environment, Ecosystems and Climate Change program, and the State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic has more than 150 million crowns ready for innovations in the field of ecosystem protection and biodiversity.