Investments in Environmental Improvement
The State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic as a specifically focused institution provides direct financial support through subsidies and indirect financial support through loans or contributions towards interest on loans.
The Fund primarily co-finances projects to improve quality of water, air, waste management, protection of nature and the countryside, environmental education, utilisation of renewable energy sources and measures to improve the energy performance of buildings.
Our Role in the World of Subsidies
The State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic grants financial aid through subsidies, soft loans or a combination of both.
The Fund is also responsible for administering financial resources from the European Union, namely the Cohesion Fund, the European Regional Development Fund and The Next Generation EU Fund, from the state budget, and from fees collected from polluters – including wastewater discharge fees, fees for reclassifying agricultural land, air pollution fees and fees under the Waste Act.
The main activities
- Providing consulting and advisory services
- Receiving and evaluating aid applications
- Preparing groundwork documents for approving aid and the contractual agenda for aid provision
- Disbursing financial resources to aid beneficiaries and continually auditing their use
- Conducting a final evaluation of the use of provided resources and accomplished environmental effects
- Occasionally imposing and enforcing sanctions in cases of non-compliance with the contractual conditions for granting aid
- Administration of fees for the discharge of wastewater into surface waters, for the abstraction of groundwater and for landfilling
Major Subsidy Programmes Administered by SEF CR
- Modernisation Fund
- National Programme Environment
- New Green Savings Programme
- Programme Environment, Ecosystems and Climate Change (Norway Grants)
- Operational Programme Environment
- Operational Programme Just Transition
Other programmes
- The Rainwater programme provides aid to sustainable water management in households; 2021 integrated into the New Green Savings Programme
- So called “boiler subsidies” contribute to improving of air quality in the Czech Republic.
- Innovative Financial Instruments (IFN) represent a more efficient and sustainable way of using European Structural and Investment Funds in future years.
The Fund has a nationwide network of consultants, skilled and highly qualified project managers. Offices are located in all 13 major regional cities in the Czech Republic.